jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

Ziauddin Yousafzai: My Daughter Malala

As part of the class activities, you ought to watch the TED TALK: Ziauddin Yousafzai: My Daughter Malala, then get engage in an active forum by answering the following questions and posting some of your very own. 

The idea then, is to comment your impresions about the video and bring up your own reflections based on it.

QUESTIONS ABOUT TED TALKZiauddin Yousafzai: My Daughter Malala,

  1. Why does Malala’s father say: “Before that, she was my daughter, but now I am her father”?
  2. How is a patriarchal society defined?
  3. What happens in a Patriarchal society when a baby girl is born?
  4. How old is a girl before she gets escorted by her male relatives?
  5. Why does the seven sisters’ brother think, it is humiliating for him that his sisters work?
  6. What does obedience mean for patriarchal societies?
  7. Why is it such a big event for a girl to get enroll in a school according to Malala’s father?
  8. What does Talibanization mean?
  9. Write some conclusions of what you understood from this talk.


Hello Everyone! this is a space for you to comment about the different topics we go through while in class and others you might be interested.